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Content helps you connect, right? It gives insights into your business, your personality, and your culture. But boy, can it be draining. And as awesome as AI is there are only so many times you can ask it for blog ideas for the exact same audience before it starts to sound the same. So where do you get new content ideas and inspiration to attract and retain customers?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

In my town, businesses of all types and industries are getting into the event business. They’re offering how-to demos, social gatherings, night outs, and a lot more. Best of all, they’re collaborating with some unlikely partners. Using a similar type of collaboration can help you reach new audiences, enhance your offerings, and drive sales. Here are 15 innovative partnership ideas that can benefit small businesses across various industries.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Internetting ain’t easy. There are all sorts of digital quagmires we get ourselves into putting words onto a screen and hitting send or post. It’s a tricky time navigating communication across the digital world. Since Emily Post is busy sorting out which fork goes where, it’s time we turn to her predecessor “Emily Posted,” your digital etiquette guru. Here are her top suggestions for better relationships in the virtual world.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Okay, so this might not be a “secret” weapon, but email marketing can help extend the push to shop small that began on Small Business Saturday. These types of gentle reminders can keep customers buying from you all season (and all year) long. You just need a couple of great ideas, an email marketing tool (like MailChimp or Constant Contact), and of course an email list.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Hey there, busy members! We see you. You're juggling inventory, payroll, marketing... the list never ends. And we keep sending emails about events you don’t have time to attend, right? While these events can be incredible opportunities to learn and grow professionally, we understand that “getting together” isn’t on everybody’s calendar. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get a solid return on investment regarding your chamber membership.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Whew! Can you feel it? The unofficial start of summer is here. Summer is a season of change for many small businesses. School's out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days. For some businesses, it’s a time of enormous revenue; for others, it can herald a long dry spell. But with a bit of planning and creativity, summer can also be a season of growth and opportunity no matter what type of business you are in (except maybe snow plowing).

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Your business should not be the crux of the community. Your target audience’s interests (that you cater to) should be. By building a community around a shared interest relevant to your target market, you can boost engagement, gather valuable insights, and ultimately drive sales. But how? If it’s not about your business? Let's explore how this works with a few examples.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Many business owners believe their product or service is so stellar, they needn’t implement any kind of loyalty program. Providing great service will help you make an impression but, like any relationship, you need to continually invest in it.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

While there are many articles out there that will tell you small ways businesses are at risk, it’s important to know that cybersecurity is something you will now have to consider as part of your business’ annual budget.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you are in a client services business (especially one where your clients might return over and over), one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to understand who you want to work with and who aligns with your skills and talent. If you’re just starting off, or you’ve fallen on hard times, it’s tempting to work with anyone and everyone. But you’ll end up sabotaging yourself in the long run when you choose to work with the “wrong” clients.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The business landscape is noisy and crowded for most of us. But keeping your customers happy and engaged is crucial to your success and their return. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a powerful toolkit to elevate your customer experience in ways you might not have thought of. And it’s not about replacing your employees with robots.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

This is not a comment on the actual item or service you sell but in how you present it. If you’re not using your audience’s language and talking to a need they’ve identified, you’re fighting a marketing battle, and you need to change that today. Here’s why:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

All of these ways to build a huge email list are easy and cheap. While it’s not uncommon to buy sales lists, buying an email list will get you into trouble quickly.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

As a small business owner, you can leverage AI to make your customers feel valued and keep them returning for more. The business landscape is noisy and crowded for most of us. But keeping your customers happy and engaged is crucial to your success and their return. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a powerful toolkit to elevate your customer experience in ways you might not have thought of. And it’s not about replacing your employees with robots.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

As a business owner, you are well-served by collecting emails and running an email marketing campaign if for no other reason than to remain top-of-mind with your customers. When they’re getting emails from you with exciting news and great deals (who couldn’t use those these days?) they’ll get used to hearing from you and seeing your name.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Even with costs escalating, consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a company's values. Sustainability and transparency are no longer just buzzwords – they're key factors influencing brand loyalty and attracting a new generation of eco-conscious customers.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you need more attention? Do you feel like your business isn’t top of mind in your community? People won’t buy from you if they don’t think of you. While the easiest way to increase sales is to upsell existing/current customers, the second-best way is increased exposure.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce joins the entire community in expressing our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those impacted by the tragic shootings involving both the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the U.S. Marshals Service this week. These events leave a heavy heart on our city, and we stand united in mourning. The Chamber understands that many businesses and individuals may be seeking ways to support those affected by these events. Here are a few resources:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

This message highlights information about this year’s IRS Dirty Dozen. Compiled annually, the Dirty Dozen lists common scams that taxpayers may encounter anytime, however, many of these schemes continue after filing season.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small business owners and solopreneurs learn quickly that they must wear many hats. While this ability to work in every area of their business may save money in the short term, it doesn't take long to understand that multitasking can be bad for business. That's why keeping your focus is one of the best things you can do for your business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you love small towns with gorgeous Main Streets that are fun weekend adventures in dining and shopping? You know the places with one unique business after another with friendly employees who show you their amazing wares and make you feel welcome.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you want to remain top-of-mind with your customers (as well as nurture people who are interested in your business, but not yet buying from you), you need to be able to stay in touch. While social media may seem like a good first step, you’re limited in how often your audience sees your posts. And you’re not in control of the algorithms that impact that so…

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you work from home, or do you have a brick-and-mortar business? While COVID taught us about the convenience of working from home (who can give up a one-minute commute?), it’s been the inflated economy and increase in costs that have driven many small businesses to embrace a location-independent business. That could mean a big change for communities over the next five years.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

10 Ideas to Reengage Past Customers for More Sales

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Ask yourself a simple question—what’s holding your potential customers back from buying from you? You might think cost. Perhaps it’s the ease of purchase (online ordering), location, or not knowing about you. But there could be something much easier to fix than cutting your prices, moving, or rebranding/launching a huge marketing campaign. While all these things are important—pricing, location, and top-of-mind recognition—there is something else you could be doing to get more people in your business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small-Business Owners; 401(k) Are you a business owner who has wanted to offer a retirement plan to your employees, but you’ve been hampered by the costs involved? If so, you may be interested to learn about new legislation that can help open the door to the same type of plan enjoyed by employees of large companies.

Edward Jones - Mountain Island Lake

Small business owners usually have more on their to-do lists than there is time in the day. If becoming more productive is one of your New Year's resolutions, we have a suggestion for you that could be a game changer.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Hiring is one of the costliest things you do as a business as it can leave you exposed and vulnerable. While a good hire can be a turning point in your business, a bad hire can leave you (and your employees) reeling. That’s why the interview and selection process are important. However, it’s what you do after that that will shape the employee and your team the most.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

While this originally was meant to be a networking article, becoming more interesting is something that can benefit every area of your life, from striking up a random conversation with strangers to trying out for Dos Equis's next Most Interesting Man in the World.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

I can already hear the groaning—nobody reads, nobody likes to write. While we can argue these points forever and ever, it’s probably been a while since you looked at your business’ website content. If your content is stale and doesn’t resonate with your target audience, you need to fix that stuff now—even if you think no one reads anymore.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Whether it’s part of a work/life balance personal initiative, an idea to follow your bliss, or you simply want to change things in your life, if you have a hobby you want to turn into a business, we have some advice for you.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Selfies are no longer the domain of duck-faced teenaged girls. (That’s not an insult. It’s a description. Google it.) They’re gaining in popularity among adults and businesses too.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Does your morning begin post coffee? If so, then you know the importance of that routine (and caffeine addiction). Your morning just isn’t the same without it. You can create the same addiction to your business. It just requires a more carefully created artifice or brand. Without the help of caffeine or other addictive substance, you’ll need to use marketing and a persona that draws people in and makes them want to be a part of your business

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Here are a few ideas that were stolen from big brands that you can easily adopt in your business for stronger conversions.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

For years now, marketers have touted word-of-mouth marketing as the most powerful, influential, and effective marketing out there. Business owners heeding this advice have begged, borrowed, and bribed people to review them. But it’s been an uphill battle for most. That’s because when customers have a good (or even great) experience, they are less likely to review a product or service than when they are disgruntled.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Social media is a Hulk-size time suck, but it is also one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience. That’s also why it’s so dicey to freelance that kind of thing out. But there are a lot of really talented folks out there who can help you expand your reach and connect. You just have to find the right ones.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re like me, creating the right office space is something you embark on every time you’re procrastinating. It can be a time suck or a filler. But investing time in establishing the right workspace can improve your productivity,

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

No matter what industry you're in, you can always learn from techniques used in other businesses. Particularly if those techniques lead you to ideas that help you connect with your audience. In this article, we're going to discuss an easy change that will transform your business's marketing and how people see your business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There’s an untapped goldmine out there for your business—YouTube. Beyond the fact that it is the second-largest search engine globally (behind its parent Google), YouTube offers a unique space for businesses to connect with their audience, showcase expertise, and build lasting relationships.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

At our Annual Breakfast and Awards, where we celebrated the achievements of our members and recognized the outstanding contributions they have made to the community. Our keynote speaker Julie Bee gave us a process to help us move forward quickly through our new ideas and their implementation.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small Business Law Alert - FinCEN Beneficial Ownership Report (BOI) Required Beginning January 2024. Penalties applicable for non-compliance.


Sales requires making connections and establishing relationships. The more people you meet and get to know, the more opportunities you will create.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

AI is amazing for gathering your thoughts, outlining, and writing simple pieces. It’s also a great place to start for blogs and website content. However, AI is not yet capable of understanding the subtle nuances and creative approaches that will get your audience talking about you.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

When you’re merely meeting expectations, you’ll never rock the reviews.

Today's customers are a little entitled. And it's not just the younger generation. Companies are using data to personalize their offerings and the customer experience to the point of appearing to be mind readers. This sets a precedent and expectation of something way beyond good customer service.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

No, this isn’t a question meant to see if you’re still cognizant after the holidays. It’s a valid one derived from all the talk percolating about New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions are often these giant pie-in-the-sky ideas that are ways to massively overcorrect bad behavior. The kind of bad behavior most of us enjoy…until we don’t. If you’re setting goals for your business and deciding what you’re going to focus on and accomplish this year, think about gardening. Growing your business and gardening have a lot in co

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Help MARA rebuild after major storm damage

The Matthews Athletic Recreation Association (MARA) is reeling after this week's storms dealt major damage to their beloved park. The organization issued a statement expressing both their immediate concerns and long-term goals for recovery.

Jessica Helms

This could be the shortest article in the world if I merely answered the question in the title with the word no. And truthfully, that is the answer. However, there's more to it than that. First, the word resolution is used more often for personal growth than professional. That's why so many people have adopted a word of the year instead. Still, the beginning of a new year is ripe with potential, and it seems irresponsible not to harness that and apply it to your business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re interested in ways to reach more people, and you’re ready to start maximizing technology, it’s time to look at these business solutions:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If every small business owner had the opportunity to write a letter to Santa (or whoever grants Christmas wishes to business owners), they would likely all ask for the same thing—more loyal customers. Sure, the ask may sound different in each form of correspondence.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The holiday season is not just a time for festive decorations and warm gatherings; it's also a golden opportunity for you to expand your reach and build a loyal customer base that you can interact with all year long.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you want more customers? Then you need to remove the friction behind doing business with you.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

What small businesses lack in the number of employees, they make up for in dedication, drive, giving back to the community, and unique charm. Those things resonate with customers seeking authenticity, personalized service, and a sense of community.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

We aren’t telling you to never shop online again.

There is nothing more convenient than whipping out your phone, typing in a URL (or opening an app), perusing offerings, and hitting a few buttons to buy something…anything…everything. We even get our groceries that way these days. But as convenient as online shopping seems, there are several reasons to shop local.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Launching a business is a thrilling journey filled with possibilities and challenges. While no year is without challenges, the first few are particularly so for most businesses. Many naive owners think that if they can make it through the first year, their success is guaranteed.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Sales emails are among the most powerful ways to get in front of your prospects, especially during the pandemic

When most in-person meetings are on pause, the competition is steep when it comes to your clients’ and prospects’ inboxes.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small businesses everywhere are enjoying the trend of shopping locally. Many organizations, including the Chamber, understand the importance of helping the community realize the value of small businesses. Even with this help, your local business still has two major challenges—

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

What are these influencers doing to build their audiences and how can we get a little of that for our own businesses without directly hiring them?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

AI is certainly the “Belle of the Ball” these days but it’s also coming under scrutiny. It can save businesses a lot of time, but many professionals are afraid of what the adoption might mean. Is it right for you and your business?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you want to wow your existing customers? Are you ready to take your “relationship” with them to the next level? Then it may be time to grab your data and do some personalized marketing.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re like most businesses, you’re probably looking for ways to increase your revenue.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Sustainability doesn't have to break the bank. In fact, there are numerous creative ways in which you can make eco-friendly choices without draining your resources. And since part of sustainability is reducing waste, let’s not waste any time and get right to ways you can start making a change today.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Starting and managing a business is no small feat. While you may feel empowered to start a business or work for yourself, it can be daunting. You may be facing a myriad of fears and uncertainties. Unfortunately, there’s no magical time that they go away. It’s not like once you pass the five-year mark, you become fearless. No, you must work at that and leverage your resources. So, let’s explore the most common fears for business owners and the strategies for addressing them.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Here are a few fall themes you can incorporate into your business for more engagement with your target audience.

Fall is a favorite among many people. The temps are enjoyable, the weather is crisp and clear, and the smell of leaves can be intoxicating. That’s what makes this season such a hit with marketers.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisp, Halloween offers businesses a bewitching opportunity to embrace the spirit of the season and boost customer engagement. With a little creativity and a dash of spooky flair, you can draw crowds and appeal to your ideal customers. Here are some spooktacular Halloween-inspired ideas to help your small business shine during this spine-tingling season.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

What do you do when you get a text notification?

If you’re like the average person, you drop everything and look at it. We have been conditioned to believe that texts deserve our immediate attention.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

As costs rise and drive up the costs of goods, your customers are looking for value. Providing quality products or services is no longer enough. To truly stand out and succeed, you need to deliver unforgettable, engaging, and emotionally resonating experiences to your customers.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you have a limited marketing budget? Do you think what you can accomplish with your budget is less than ideal because you don’t have the money of a large company? While that may seem true, there is one thing you can do to really move the dial and maximize your small marketing budget.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Content marketing has been around for a while now. It began when search engines like Google started ranking sites by—among other things—the quality of the content as perceived by the audience. This caused many marketers to increase the quality of their content. But if you’re still wondering if you have the right kind of content for your business,...

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

While the MetLife and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index reached its highest level of confidence since COVID in Q3 of 2023, there are still many businesses that are battling rising costs and trying to make every dollar count.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Your current clients/customers are likely an untapped resource of additional revenue.

There’s a saying in the restaurant industry that a diner who described their meal as “satisfactory” will never be back again. In order to get return customers, upsells, and referrals you must do better than just meeting expectations. You must exceed them.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

You can’t hire people who don’t even come to an interview.

There is a dearth of people willing (or able) to work for a multitude of reasons. Employers across the country are posting signs asking for patience with their existing employees because the business is understaffed. In fact, there are hiring managers who are scheduling interviews only to have no one show up! You can’t hire people who don’t even come to an interview.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

You will never be everyone’s “cup of tea.”

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is wanting to be all things to all customers. Just as in life and friendships, you will never be everyone’s “cup of tea.” That’s okay. It’s more than okay. Understanding this and attracting your ideal customer is the one way to build loyalty among your clients and provide them with the services and products they need.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Whether your team works from home or in an office, whether you are a business of one or one hundred and one, taking care and making time for wellness is becoming increasingly important. Stress levels because of what’s going on in the world around us are increasing. You may not even be aware of the outside stress someone is under.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Ever notice how some offers are irresistible? You didn’t even know you needed the product or service. Then you saw the offer, and BANG!, you’re whipping out your credit card. This isn’t by accident.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly free business resources like webinars, lunch & learns, and written collateral. Plus, a whole lot more. Chamber membership is one of the best business investments you can make for the money and return.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the company you keep?” It has good and bad ramifications, doesn’t it? It’s often applied to young people and their friends. But did you know this “Halo Effect” influences customers as well? And you could be using it in your business for amazing results. What Is the Halo Effect?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re old enough, you likely remember your parents addressing the issues of group think. Maybe they said, “Monkey see, monkey do.” Perhaps you were trying to win an argument by telling them how you’re the only person not allowed to do something, to which they replied, “If everyone jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too?” But as much as your parents were trying to raise you to be a person who thinks on their own, we are social creatures. We long for acceptance. We have a fear of missing out.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Xecutive Metrix, Co

Escape Plan Marketing introduces Rocketfuel Social, expert-managed social media for small business clients in the United States.

Escape Plan Marketing

Company CultureEmployee RetentionHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesStrengthen Trust Between Managers and EmployeesTeam BuildingWhiteWater Consulting.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The scene is a common one these days. Lines of people waiting to pay in a restaurant, retail establishment, or grocery store. Tempers flare.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Email subject lines are one of the most important things to master

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you think of LinkedIn as something to be used solely by job seekers? While the world's largest professional network is widely recognized as a platform for job seekers and recruiters to connect, that’s not all it can do. Its potential goes far beyond job hunting. For savvy business owners and professionals, LinkedIn offers a treasure trove of opportunities to find customers, strengthen their brand, and expand their network.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

After 11 years of retail sales, BW Sweets Bakery has made the incredibly difficult decision to close its flagship store on East WT Harris Blvd, Charlotte, NC, and has suspended plans to open a satellite store on the west side of the Queen City. Frankie said this change is necessary to allow me to focus on my health while still providing the best desserts around and continuing to honor Bradley’s memory.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Asking yourself the following questions about your business and marketing can help you grow.

If recovery is right around the corner, now is the ideal time to revisit your marketing strategy and plan. Making critical changes now can bring you into alignment to make the most of recovery. Plus, it’s possible the needs and desires of your target audience have changed.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Have you ever seen the movie Up? In it, there’s a scene where a talking dog (he has a collar that translates his thoughts) is explaining his voice, only to be derailed by the passing of a squirrel. You may know this example as “shiny object syndrome.”

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

These days when we talk about the power of personalization, we’re not referring to using someone's name in an e-mail or letter. You should be doing that anyway. What your customers expect is a lot more complex but can drive a large number of sales when done well.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Why are we suggesting “fun”?

Do you want to appeal to a younger demographic? Want to get people talking about you? Maybe you want to attract an ultra-cool influencer or celebrity customer? If you do, rebranding and becoming a “fun” company may be just the way to get more attention.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Before you hang that open sign on the door and put out your welcome mat, ensure you know the answers to the following questions.

These days a lot of people are considering business ownership. Whether you buy into a franchise, lease some space and start your own thing, or log onto the internet and begin building an ecommerce website, doing it on your own has never been more alluring.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

TPG and AmerisourceBergen Announce Completion of Acquisition of OneOncology

Oncology Specialists of Charlotte

Skip the Survey: Learn What Your Customers Want in More Meaningful Ways

A few years ago, a trend hit—customizing your offerings to what your customers wanted. It involved surveying every part of their experience and shaping your business based on results. Customer-designed offerings kept a lot of businesses alive during COVID. The idea is a great one, give them what they want, make them feel important, and they’ll return.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Recently, the May NFIB Small Business Optimism Index results came out. While they were certainly not surprising, if you’re feeling concerned about your business, you’re not alone. Seeing what others are struggling with (and what they’re doing in the face of these struggles) can be helpful. This article gives you the highlights of the Index results for May.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Before you read this article, open the internet, and ask “How many business professionals are busy?” For a little extra fun, substitute business professionals with your specific industry. You’ll see pages and pages of results and studies all saying the same thing—more than half of people are busy (some studies report well over 75%) and stressed because of it.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Learn the basics of good copy, at least until you can pay someone to do it for you.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

It’s predicted that by 2040, 80.8 million residents of the US will be over the age of 65 (currently, we’re at 47 million). That’s more than double the number in 2000. With more people staying active longer, they’re more apt to make their own buying decisions as well.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Personal branding is incredibly important these days.

If you’re not marketing yourself and your career as part of your brand, you should be. Your personal image is critical to your business because customers and potential customers want to do business with people they know, like, and trust.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

When kids want to know something, they search YouTube first. This hasn’t been a huge disruptor to search so far because YouTube is owned by Google. If chatbots start fielding more questions, which they will, this could will change everything. So, what can we expect in the next year with AI searches increasing?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There’s a saying in chamber circles that a chamber membership is like a gym membership.

But is a chamber membership really like going to the gym? That depends on whether you like going to the gym or not.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Many small and medium-sized business owners think that workforce development isn’t in their “lane.” They leave it to the big guys to work with the chamber and community leaders to ensure the large businesses have the skilled employees they need for the future. But unless you are a business of one and plan on remaining that way, workforce development should be a concern of all sizes of businesses. Here’s why you should want to get involved:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

We only have so many hours in the day.

Some of the things you’re doing in your business may be very enjoyable but aren’t worth the effort in that you don’t get the return out of the time you’re investing.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Influencer marketing is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness. But it’s not just for the big guys. You can leverage the power of the influencer even as a small business. You may not have the pockets to bring in Michael Jordan, but you can build an audience by working with (smaller) influencers.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Building a following on your desired platform on social media requires a bit of luck but there are some things you can do to help that luck (and other users) find your profile. But sadly, those things probably don’t have a lot to do with your business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

As a small business owner, it's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day operations of your business. You're constantly juggling tasks like managing inventory or staff, paying bills, and dealing with customer service issues. It can be challenging to find time to think about the big picture, let alone act on it. However, it's essential to think bigger if you want your business to grow and thrive. Now’s as good a time as any.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Know Your Audience, Tell Your Story

Knowing your ideal customer or target audience allows you to effectively craft your business story in a way they will respond to. When they identify with your story, they begin to know, like, and trust you. If you don’t create a business story that is appealing to your target audience, they’ll fail to identify with you, which means they’re less likely to buy from you.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Newest Avance Care Location Brings Novel Model of Primary Care Medicine to Mallard Creek Charlotte. Comprehensive, whole-person healthcare, same or next-day appointments, are now available in the neighborhood.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Many small businesses overlook the importance of team culture. They might do so because they feel they have a transient workforce and people won’t stick around. It’s possible they believe they’re simply too small and team culture is for larger companies like Nike. But that’s not the case. A team or company culture is as important as your brand. You’re not too small for one of those, are you?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There are Hollywood stars that aren’t content with just time on screen. They’re building empires, too. And while name recognition is easier for them and start-up capital only requires dipping into their millions, they still have the same struggles to find a valuable product or service to bring to market. They didn’t go to Harvard but they’re learning every day just like you are and here’s what they have to say:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Starting a business seems to be on many people’s minds these days.

Whether it’s a personal brand that you leverage into revenue-generating ideas like a sponsored YouTube channel or speaking engagements or it’s a traditional brick and mortar, many people say entrepreneurialism is one of their goals.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

A chamber membership is an investment in your business.

As an investment, you undoubtedly expect a return. While it’s easy to look at what you paid for membership and how many new customers were sent you way through the chamber and calculate your return that way, there’s more to it than just that.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

7 Reasons Millennials Should Love the Chamber

If you’re a Millennial and see yourself as a future leader or entrepreneur, the chamber is not just for Boomers. You can get a lot of value from it too.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Teddy Roosevelt is credited for having said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." And so it is that we are often our biggest impediment to success, especially as business owners. We spend hours helping customers and often don’t show ourselves the same assistance (Oh, doctor, heal thyself.). If you’re wondering what this advice has to do with your “top employee,” you need this article more than you realized.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Starting a new business is difficult under the best circumstances. But in today's economic climate, it's difficult to make a name for yourself when most people are trying desperately to cut back on expenses. Yet, you shouldn’t get discouraged. There are easy (and free) ideas out there that can help. Here are three tips to bring in more customers as a brand-new business.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Practical ways to use it in business and what to avoid. At first glance, especially for people who have trouble writing or have difficulty starting out and collecting their thoughts at a keyboard...

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you joined the Charlotte Area Chamber to meet new people, grow your network, and get more customers, you’re on the right track. But do you have a plan to make the most of your time investment? If not, you need one.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Whether you’re attending a local chamber business expo or a trade industry show, you want to showcase your best self. Of course, that means sending a good team that represents your business well, having an enticing set up, and giving away something worthwhile in the eyes of the attendees.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Partnering with another business can help you both offer something to your markets that neither has seen. Here are three ways to find your perfect complementary business so you both can profit.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Successfully transitioning from a food truck to a brick-and-mortar location requires skill, determination, and a setting that reflects the essence of the owners' vision. That's why SkyView22 owners Sharnette and Terrence trusted Fatima Lewis, owner of Sage & Tima Designs, LLC, to create the look and feel of their new restaurant that is a lasting tribute to their son.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The American Heart Association and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) are working together to improve heart health among North Carolina’s most at-risk populations. Part of this health initiative includes a call for mini-grant applications from communities working to promote heart health.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you want people to think about your business before all others? Of course, you do. The first step to patronizing your business is remembering it exists. Imagine you have a free evening, and you want to go out to eat. It doesn’t matter how amazing the food is at the new place down the street; if it doesn’t pop into your mind, you won’t be going there.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Good storytelling casts your customers as the heroes of their stories. You want their successes and triumphs to be told because you want potential customers to hear the stories and think that they can do those things too.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

revenue, growth, scaling, marketing, sales

Steven Marin

A healthy business has a good balance sheet

Many of us have spent this year concerned about the health of our businesses or those in the community. Ultimately, a healthy business has a good balance sheet. It has more coming in than it does going out. But that is not the only indicator of business health.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Attending a chamber of commerce event is an excellent way to expand your business and build meaningful connections. Not only can it help you meet potential clients, suppliers, and partners, but the networking opportunities can open up unexpected avenues for growth and success.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The Hidden Value Behind Chamber Membership

There is a long list of benefits to chamber membership. But those benefits are only the surface of what you and your employees receive from joining. If you want to be part of something larger than yourself and your business, striving to improve opportunities in your community, chamber membership is an ideal way to do that.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The chamber offers a lot of benefits that you can’t do for yourself, and chamber benefits can save you a lot of money. If you’re like most business owners, you could really use some cost savings these days.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Times of economic uncertainty doesn’t cause anyone to look for new ways to spend money. But there are some investments in your business that even when you’re worried about cash flow, are worth the return. Chamber membership is one of those necessary business investments and here’s why:

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Whether you sell food, things, or services, we’ve brought together a round-up of trends that you can incorporate into your business in 2023 for increased revenue and better market traction.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Unless you are extremely fortunate, there’s a lot of competition out there. Your product or service must compete against a host of other businesses not just in your town but, potentially, across the globe. You’re also in competition with inaction or doing nothing at all.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Each year in the United States, an estimated 350,000 people experience sudden cardiac arrest in the community[4]. Anyone who witnesses a cardiac arrest in the community (i.e., not in a hospital) can perform CPR. Roughly 70% of cardiac arrests that do not happen in the hospital, occur in homes and private residences

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

A new report from Intuit Quickbooks shows a unique opportunity for small businesses during Small Business Season. Based on survey results from 5,500 consumers and 1,500 businesses, consumers are planning to spend “over 40% of their holiday shopping budget at small businesses”

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Bonus offers are a great way to drive sales without discounting your products or services. It makes people feel like they are getting extra value—and these days, with inflation—that can make a reticent customer buy quicker.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

During COVID, QR codes made a comeback. They allow people to access important information without having to key in a URL. A QR code can also be used to reduce paper dependency and eliminate something people pass around such as a menu.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

By now you’ve likely seen the statistics that shopping small/local keeps roughly $68 out of every $100 in our community, whereas shopping at a national chain means about $43 remains here. Why is that important and what does it mean to you and your family? A lot more than you may think.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small businesses often operate on smaller reserves and slashing prices to the point of taking a loss decreases the revenue you're bringing in. You need something that builds on connections. That’s the small business superpower.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

It’s officially Small Business Season and that means it’s time to give a little love to small business. With rising interest rates, soaring costs, and online competition, small businesses are feeling the crunch. This season, do a little extra for your neighbors and make a concerted effort to shop small. If you do, you could be saving a small business this year.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

America’s #1 buffet and grill to raise funds and offer free dinner for veterans and active-duty personnel for Veterans Day

Now in its 22nd year, America’s #1 buffet and grill is inviting all U.S. service members, retired military and veterans of each branch of service to enjoy a free dinner buffet and beverage at their nearest Golden Corral from 5 p.m. to close.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The truth of the matter is a giant problem for businesses

There’s a joke in this title. The easiest way to get more reviews is to stink at what you do. People are always more apt to give a negative review than a positive one.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Most of the changes below are things you can implement quickly but you should also make sure that your website is user friendly, loads quickly, and looks great on mobile. If it doesn’t meet those requirements, work on those basics first.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Xecutive Metrix, Co

Even if you’re in a business that’s not typically associated with holiday spending, tie your business in. For instance, if you change oil in vehicles, talk about service specials to get cars in shape for holiday travel.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

It’s essential to provide value to customers but veering too far away from your true business can cause you to take on too much too soon. For a pre-COVID example, when the restaurant Planet Hollywood experienced great success initially, they spread themselves too thin ultimately forcing a lot of location closures.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Customer loyalty is essential to strong sales. After all, it’s easier to get repeat sales than it is to convince a new consumer to buy from you. But customer loyalty is something grown and nurtured, not bought or ordered. It takes time.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

This week MasterCard announced its prediction that holiday spending by customers would increase by 7.1% over last year. This is good news for businesses that were thinking inflation may quell holiday spending. But how did they decide on this and what does your business need to know to make the most from holiday shoppers?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Telling your business story is a compelling way to get your audience more invested in you and to help build know, like, and trust. Your business story is a lasso that draws people in and holds them there.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Why You Should Support Your Employee’s Side Hustle. When some business owners hear their employees have a side hustle, they get concerned. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Pairings are a great way to grow your customer base/audience and provide your customers with more value. Offering an opportunity to meet their needs in one stop versus several can be very appealing and may cause your audience to see you in a new light.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Online Necessities Before the Content

According to, “The first set of holiday data and analytics from Adobe reveals online spending is set to increase by 33% in 2020 over 2019.”

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

the world’s veterinary emergency company that helps people and their pets when they need it most, is excited to announce the opening of its newest hospital at 4716-A Sharon Rd, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28210 on September 14.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Efficiency is key

If running your business seems like a struggle, it’s time to make things easier. Some businesses choose to do that by hiring additional people, but if you don’t have the budget for that right now, there are other things that can be done to help you make the most of the hours in your day.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Facebook groups are an excellent way to grow your business. Here are a few ways to do this in an existing group. If your town is like most, there are several Facebook groups that have formed around living, working, and/or playing in your area. Some are private and you’ll need to request to join.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Your email content can be the best ever but if people don’t open your emails, the emails might as well be blank.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The title of this article is supposed to be funny, but procrastination isn’t a laughing matter. In fact, procrastination can be severely impacting your business. It can affect sales, revenue, and employee happiness. But when work is tough and no news sounds good, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll handle the hard stuff on a better day.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

People and teams need purpose.

An NFL team coming out of training camp and into the regular season lacking purpose will lack the passion and direction to reach the game of games, the Super Bowl.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re contemplating stepping up your business marketing, you need more than a scheduler. You need someone who understands the different kinds of marketing, your audience, and how to nurture prospects.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Good customer service isn’t something everyone is born knowing.

While most of us have been customers the better part of our lives in one aspect or another, many of us don’t take the time to stop and think what makes extraordinary customer service and what tactics build strong customer relations.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Workplace trends come and go like snack carts, but these trends may very well revolutionize the way we work because they are just so darn appealing to most employees. But before we go into these workplace trends, know that they are not for everyone.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’ve recently picked up a write up on Most Loved Workplaces or Best Places to Work, you may be surprised to see that good benefits and higher than average salaries aren’t contributing to those titles anymore, but then neither is having a Foosball table. Employees (and customers) want more.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

How would you assess the current health of your organization? Is there any room to improve your culture, increase employee engagement, or develop a more cohesive team? Keep in mind that healthy organizations always begin with healthy people. #WhiteWater #Newsletter

WhiteWater Consulting LLC

Productivity is always a big push at the beginning of the year. Everyone wants to do more with less, less money, less time, and fewer resources. This article will show you four ways to structure your day for greater success in achieving your goals.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

According to an article on this week, “Small business owners’ expectations for better business conditions over the next six months fell by seven points to a net negative 61%.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Hiring a grant writer isn’t cheap. Some charge a flat fee, while others base their fee on a percentage of the grant amount. If you’re a small business or nonprofit, you may not be able to afford to hire someone. But it is worth it.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Fly fishing is fascinating to watch. It involves a series of movements that lure a fish into biting. It’s more about the rhythm than the bait. “Landing” a loyal customer is much the same.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The chamber is the Voice of Business and as the Voice of Business, there’s something we feel the need to express to everyone in this community. Inflation is being felt everywhere, from Fortune 500 companies to solopreneurs just starting out.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

The chamber is an excellent source for finding new customers

In a recent survey by Daysmart Software, 54% of small business owners admitted to being worried about making enough money.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

It’s that time of year again and many of us are preparing for a return to normal when it comes to the seasonal onslaught of tourism. Even with high transportation costs people are traveling and still—hopefully—buying. If you’d like to attract more tourists to your place of business, here’s how you can prepare.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re a small business owner without the resources to hire a large full-time team, you can still meet your business needs through freelancing or turning to independent business professionals. This can be an economical way to accomplish your goals without having to cover the cost of full-time employees.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Does your town host a Wine Walk, Holiday Stroll, First Friday, or other downtown event where they close off streets and encourage people to get out and support business? If so, you may know that those events often bring the crowds but also bring “tire kickers,”

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re looking for a new way to reach your clients or customers or to increase your exposure to a new generation of visual learners, you should consider YouTube. It’s easy and engaging and helps your audience get to know you more effectively.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Every business is convinced they offer stellar service but if you can’t think of a company in your area that offers bad service, it might be you. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from the experience.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

It’s not uncommon to hear old timers (of any age) complain that young people don’t have it as hard as they did.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

How To Present Effectively At Conferences

Ty Boyd Executive Communications & Coaching

In all, there are 257 national holidays in April alone. If you’re like me, you may find them hard to keep up with, but they can be a great source of engagement for your business. You just have to know how to use them for maximum return and get a little creative.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’re a small business, you probably bootstrapped your website content, picking it up here and there, copying what you like from other sites (hopefully not word for word), and adding as you go.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There can be a desperation that you feel on social media.

Many businesses are creating content that demands “look at me.” But while some may believe that “shouting” into social media is the way to get attention, it rarely is.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, engagement is critical to your business. Now more than ever. It’s so important that I wish I could create a new name for it so people would pay more attention.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Content marketing provides the kind of quality content your audience is looking for. Marketers in today’s business climate must yield to the interests of their customers to be successful in the same way that party planners who want people on the dance floor must select music the vast majority of people in attendance will find appealing.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Most people will agree Google is a large part (dare we say owner?) of the internet, at least from a marketing perspective. That means whether we like it or not we have to try to play nicely with the giant search engine.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Most businesses that pursue this option also use either influencers to record the video or create their own. This is not the place for a formal commercial. You want to think about fun entertainment, not a sales pitch.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Most of these tools and strategies are free. But it's important to note that when it comes to social media or online advertising, you will have to spend some money.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

So, what does that look like and how does that benefit you?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Waste and Recycling Tips: How to dispose of rechargeable batteries

Actually Done

When you run your own business, you’re the person deciding on the direction. You’re in control of start dates and marketing promos. You’re the one who must hold yourself back from the shiny object syndrome.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There's a lot of noise on the social media channels

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Are you participating in Small Business Saturday—or better yet—Small Business Season, where you encourage people to shop small throughout the holiday and not just on the day after Black Friday?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

One way to bring shoppers into your business over the holiday season is by offering deals.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

What is one benefit your brick-and-mortar business has over online sellers?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

While Small Business Saturday is a good start, why stop there?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you are a business that is removed from the larger supply chain, it may be time to get the word out. While some box stores are expecting empty shelves in certain departments this season, you can be fully stocked and ready to help shoppers. But they won’t know unless you tell them.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Small business owners have lots of stressors as they follow their dreams. It might surprise you just how much the chamber can help with these concerns.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Working from home is an ideal that many people have longed for but the reality of it can be disenchanting.

It takes some special skills to make it work. In this article we will cover four simple things you can do to make working at home easier on everyone.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Log on to social media or do a search online and notice how many different challenges there are out there.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Social media is an incredibly important tool for increasing your audience and building connections.

Most business people know this. But how this gets done can be a bit of a mystery. If you feel a little lost on what you should be doing on a daily and weekly basis, read on....

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you watch America’s Got Talent? Or how about American Idol? The Olympics? The MLB All-star Game? These competitions all have something in common. They tell stories.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Starting a new business can be challenging, but it can be even more difficult if you are new to the community.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Increase Summer Sales

While we are quickly heading toward the heat of summer, there’s still time to do some spring cleaning with your data. A nice clean email list can help you make the most of your ecommerce and increase summer sales.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you’ve ignored the most popular trend in marketing over the past five years, you may not know anything about content marketing. But before you decide whether it’s for your business or not, you need to understand what it is and how it works.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Dianne Stewart owner of BSA PR & Marketing / PathwayUSA

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Are you ready to return to normal yet?

If “normal” means life without COVID, we’re not that far away from herd immunity. But if your definition of normal is getting back to how things used to be before the pandemic, I’m afraid that likely isn’t happening. The state of work has changed. Here’s what you need to know to prepare for life on the other side of the pandemic.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Christopher Cassar, the owner of CMC Dataworks, Inc.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Ace & TJ Family / The Ace & TJ Show / The Radio Button Network (podcasting)

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Want a sure-fire way to get more traction on your business blog posts? Make sure each post contains these important pieces.

Many small businesses are starting to realize the importance of good content. But what makes content good? Better yet, what makes for great content?

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

If you have weathered the storm so far, you know your business is not completely in the clear.

There are always unexpected challenges like freak snowstorms and mass electrical outages that are keeping us all on our business toes, regardless of where you sell or operate from. Nothing will tell you faster how interconnected we are than understanding how weather in one part of the country can stimy business operations in another.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

So you still need to make some connections?

The ability to make connections within the business world is critical in part because more and more of us are working outside the traditional office.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There’s a lot more that goes into the launching of that product or service.

Launching a new product or service is not something you want to do because you had a wild idea one morning over coffee or in the shower.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to return to North Carolina! They plan to film episodes of the hit series American Pickers throughout your area in March 2021.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Who has time for a newsletter? If you want more sales and a more loyal audience, you need to find the time.

The magic of newsletters is that they are a way to distribute your content on a regular basis straight to someone’s email inbox or phone.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

According to recent research by BlueVenn, 17% of shoppers do not plan on shopping in stores this year (up from 8% in 2019) and it makes sense that 61% of marketers fear losing their business to online sources.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

This has certainly been a weird year. As we begin to adjust to our new reality, there are some things you could be doing in your business that may help you out in the post-COVID time.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

There are things you can do to make your business sales this holiday season better, even if you don’t have a lot of time.

If you are a small business owner or employee wearing a lot of hats, you probably don't have a marketing person. If that's the case, there may be many things about marketing that you don't know. That's okay.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce

Do you feel like your business is just shouting into the wind?

Experiential marketing is the act of creating a memorable experience that will be associated with your brand. Many smaller businesses think of experiential marketing as the type of thing that businesses with Super Bowl-esque budgets do.

Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce
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