Charlotte Area Chamber Stands with Community in Wake of Tragedy

Charlotte Area Chamber Stands with Community in Wake of Tragedy
The Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce joins the entire community in expressing our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those impacted by the tragic shootings involving both the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the U.S. Marshals Service this week. These events leave a heavy heart on our city, and we stand united in mourning.
In times of crisis, our community comes together with resilience and compassion. The Chamber recognizes the vital role law enforcement plays in keeping our city safe, and we honor the bravery of our officers who put themselves in harm's way every day.
How the Charlotte Area Chamber Community Can Help
The Chamber understands that many businesses and individuals may be seeking ways to support those affected by these events. Here are a few resources:
- The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Foundation created a Help Our Heroes fund. The fund will allow employees of the local public safety, first responder agencies impacted by the events to receive mental health care. They will, additionally, use funds to assist with needs identified by the impacted agencies to support their employees. If you would like to donate to Help our Heroes, you may do so here: (note on your donation that it is for the "Help our Heroes" drive)
- Back The Blue NC, Inc.: 100% of the proceeds will go to their 10-33 Assistance Program Fund to assist families of officers killed in the line of duty. Learn more and donate here: (Find and click on the gofundme donation button)
- National Police Week, Adopt an Officer: National Police Week is May 13th - 18th. Sign up for a slot under the division you would like to adopt an Officer from and you will be sent the contact information for your Officer. Learn more and sign up here:
In the coming days, let us come together as a Charlotte family to offer support, comfort, and hope.