CMC Dataworks, Inc. - Member Highlight

CMC Dataworks, Inc. - Member Highlight
Christopher Cassar, the owner of CMC Dataworks, Inc.
Christopher Cassar, the owner of CMC Dataworks, Inc. was born out of the dot com bubble collapse in 2000. He felt that he had the know-how and drive to start a business and control his future. Christopher said, “When we started CMC, we had a different vision of what the company was going to do, but circumstances drove us to shift gears and move more toward the products and services we offer today.” One part of his job he enjoys is the variety of projects and the variety of businesses his customers are engaged in.
CMC focuses on technology support services, in both managed and per-incident pricing models. But he really offers are solutions. He said, “We tackle each customer’s needs and goals with a customized approach. From installing a new server to migrating to a cloud platform, we can help. Additionally, we can provide data recovery and data forensics including expert witness testimony if such a need arises.”
Due to the global pandemic, there has been a need for his data recovery and data forensics expertise, He explained, “We are now helping customers who have had a friend, family member, loved one or colleague pass away and need to recover the individual’s passwords, accounts, and other digital assets. We can detect bank accounts and other internet artifacts and help fill in the missing info, even forgotten dormant accounts.”
Christopher has this advice about someone who is thinking about starting a business, “It is easy to start with lofty goals and great expectations, but as you begin to run your newly formed endeavor things get in the way. Just keep plugging away and be ready to shift gears. Life is great at throwing curveballs, so you just have to roll with it. Maintain your perseverance and great attitude and you will go a long way. I also can wholeheartedly recommend hiring a business coach, it’s tough starting by yourself, so having someone who can give you an outside perspective is crucial.”
Lastly, Christopher, says the Charlotte Area Chamber has helped him make great connections, here’s what he had to say, “I have made so many great connections and met with, chatted, and listened to so many talented business owners and influential people. The Charlotte Area Chamber has provided a great forum for like-minded professionals to learn from each other and discuss topics that impact businesses of all kinds. It is a great group and the best way I know of to get access to business in and around Charlotte.”
You can find CMC at