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Business & Professional Services

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Results: 25

Coaching Individual Groups Masterminds Problem Resolution situational

Welcome to On Purpose Living, the nexus of individual and institutional excellence in higher education.

Rajnak & Co. coaching focuses on improving lives at work, for individuals and teams.

Transform your life with our one-time consultation for personalized nutrition and wellness goals, and gain energy to live your best life

We're the experts at transforming people and cultures. For the last 24+ years, we’ve found innovative and scalable ways to make rapid and sustainable changes.


Telecommunications-  Cloud Based Solutions - IT - Security  

Learn how to be a 1-person business --- Design a business model & pricing.  Design a customer acquisition system. Define your ideal client. Find your IKIGAI.

Business Coaching, Business Consultant, Business Management, Business Development, Mentorship, Event Management, Event Coordinating/Planning

Human Resources Consulting; Diversity and Inclusion Certified; DiSC Facilitator; Leadership Development; Employee Development

Insurance, general liability, workers compensation, business insurance, auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance

Licensed therapist & Life & Business coach with advanced training and certification in Coaching, Assessment & Social Work.

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.”

- Brian Tracy, Author, Speaker & Founder of FocalPoint

Helping ambitious individuals and corporate teams accelerate their personal and professional goals through coaching, trainings, and team-building events.

Team Building, Leadership Training, and Business Development workshops in Charlotte

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