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John G. Ullman & Associates


John G. Ullman & Associates provides clients with comprehensive financial planning services, assisting those clients with everything their money touches.

John G. Ullman & Associates is a registered investment advisor* that provides clients with comprehensive financial services from financial planning to investments, tax preparation to tax planning, estate planning to retirement, and beyond. At whatever stage you find your current wealth position, John G. Ullman & Associates can offer you a full range of services and the attention to detail that we provide to every single client. *Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

What We Can Do Together

If you’re a busy professional, your career or family’s in transition, are an entrepreneur, a retiree or find yourself anywhere along life’s spectrum, we’re broad enough to serve your financial needs in whatever way you desire. The My Life pages will help you find specific areas that you might be concerned about now or in the near future and how we can help you manage them. We’re happy to help you with the starter topics linked below, and much more:


You have a compensation package that’s leading you on a path to affluence. It’s time to set goals. Perhaps purchase a home. Pay off college debt. Of course, it’s never too soon to plan for retirement. You need to get your money working for you. Let our John G. Ullman & Associates Advisors help!


Are you newly married or thinking about marriage? Or perhaps you’re newly divorced or a widow/widower? Have kids or maybe a blended family? There are many questions to address such as insuranceestate planning, and collegeOur Advisors can help you answer your important questions!


You can never plan for retirement too soon! Perhaps you need advice on Social Security, your pension plans, or spend-down strategies. Or the various insurance plans that impact you like Medicaredisabilityproperty & casualty insurance. Let our Team help you better prepare for what’s to come!


Perhaps you need advice on how to maximize what you’ve worked so hard for your entire life. You need the proper documents in place, such as a Will and Power of Attorney. You want to set up trusts for your children and grandchildren, or charitable giftsOur Advisors can help you fulfill your wishes!

Additional Information

Special Designation : Registered Investment Advisor
Business Hours : 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday - Friday

Get to Know John G. Ullman & Associates!

The "Well... It Depends!" Podcast

“Well… It Depends!” poses a question around financial decisions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no! Hosted each week by JGUA Advisor Andrew Baron, CFP®, EA
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