Hyatt Centric SouthPark Charlotte
Make yourself at home in one of 175 elegantly furnished spaces, each featuring floor-to-ceiling windows, rainfall showers, bath robes and branded amenities. After you unpack, walk to nearby luxury retailers at SouthPark Mall, upscale Southern eateries, or cocktail bars dotted around Hyatt Centric Charlotte SouthPark.
At Hyatt Centric Charlotte SouthPark you can gaze over the city as you dine from our rooftop restaurant Mizu, open daily at 5 pm, specializing in delicious Asian inspired entrées, fresh catch-of-the-day fish options, and spectacular views. Head to IRO Bar and Lounge, located on the hotel second floor, for Breakfast from 7 am - 11 am and Lunch from 11 am - 1 pm. Kick back and enjoy hand crafted cocktails until 10 pm at IRO Bar. Join us every Wednesday in IRO Lounge for "Wine Down Wednesday" listen to Live Music from 6 pm - 8 pm and $5.00 on House Wine all night.
Find the ideal space for a wedding, meeting, or fundraiser in the heart of the city’s most celebrated neighborhood at Hyatt Centric Charlotte SouthPark. Plan an impressive evening in our 3,800-square-foot main ballroom, featuring a cutting-edge A/V system with ultra-short-throw projectors and portable screens. Alternatively, meet up for brainstorm sessions with a smaller group inside the 10-person boardroom.
Additional Information

Entrance - Hyatt Centric SouthPark

Hotel Lobby Seating Area

Hotel Lobby Staircase

Two Queen Bed Guestroom

Mizu - Rooftop Outdoor Patio

IRO Bar - Hotel 2nd Floor

IRO Lounge - Hotel 2nd Floor

Liberty Ballroom