FocalPoint Business Leadership Coaching of Charlotte
Entrepreneurial Success

FocalPoint Business Coaching – 1 on 1 or Group Sessions
- Is your business heading in the right direction?
- Would you like to generate more profit?
- Do you have the right team in place?
- Are you really in control of your team?
- Do you have a viable exit strategy?

Sales Effectiveness Solutions
The world’s most successful organizations understand their level of success is directly linked to the quality of their Sales Team and Sales Managers. It’s pivotal to a company’s success to maximize revenue and profitability by making sure sales teams are well trained, managed and focused.
Sales Success Intensive - Training
The survival and success of any business depends on the ability to sell a product or service, and therefore, the most valuable people in the company are the sales managers and sales team. Highly skilled sales teams and managers have a greater impact on revenue and volume than any other single investment or activity.
Sales Breakthrough - Training
The Sales Breakthrough Program combines a suite of powerful behavioral analytic tools with individual and group training for sales managers and teams looking to excel:
Superior Sales Management - Training
The key to building a world class sales team is a world class Sales Manager. The most profitable companies understand the importance of sales management.
Superior Selling Skills - Training
Selling today has never been more competitive. As many as 70% of companies do no sales training – those that do control the marketplace.

Productivity Optimization Solutions
The world’s most successful organizations understand their level of success is directly linked to their teams Productivity; knowing what’s important, getting important things done, in less time, with less effort, than unsuccessful organizations.
Perform at Your Best – Maximum Achievement – Training
Learn how to set goals, take responsibility, manage change, communicate effectively, solve problems, meet challenges, manage time and take full control of your work and personal life.
Eat That Frog! Double Productivity – Training
Time Management is really management of your life. It's the ability to determine a sequence of events – what you do first, second, and what you don’t do at all. Eat That Frog is the most popular time management system of all time – available in 27 languages.
Communication Breakthrough – Training
Being a highly skilled and versatile communicator is vital in today’s marketplace for success. Key to this is the ability to understand different behavioral styles and learn how to adapt to build solid and positive relationships with both internal and external customers.
Time Management Mastery – Training
Your levels of achievement and performance are determined by your ability to think through and apply the very best time management techniques available to you. You can only increase the quality and quantity of your results by increasing your ability to use your time effectively.
Setting and Achieving Goals – Training
Today, you are paid for accomplishments, not activities. You are paid for outcomes rather than for inputs or the number of hours you work. Rewards are determined by the quality and quantity of results that you achieve. This opens up unlimited opportunity for the creative few who recognize and capitalize on this shift.” Peter Drucker

Leadership Development Solutions
The world’s most successful organizations understand their level of success is directly linked to their teams Productivity; knowing what’s important, getting important things done, in less time, with less effort, than unsuccessful organizations
Strategic & High Performance Leadership – Training
The best companies have the best people, and top people are those who think and act faster and better than others. High Performance Leadership gives you the ideas, methods, strategies and techniques used by all highly effective executives, profitable businesses and world-class teams.
Navigational Conversations/Coaching – Training
Coaching is about supporting others to be more effective in getting from place to place. Place can refer to; productivity, leadership effectiveness, earnings, relationships, job or position status, a sense of fulfillment and more.

Behavioral & Financial Assessments
Our Behavioral Assessments are powerful analytic tools that help Managers to turbo charge business performance by enhancing communication, better utilizing team members, hiring better and increasing engagement.
Our Financial Assessments help our clients QUANTIFY their GAP, which in turn allows us to tangibly predict and track their progress. FocalPoint Finance offers five tools that help businesses quantify where they’re at, where they should be and offer strategies to meet their goals.
Success Insight - Management – Staff Assessment
The TTI Success Insights® Management-Staff is a report that not only defines unique behavior, but guides the employee and manager in leveraging behavior for success.
Success Insights – Workplace Motivators
What motivates employees to sell, manage, service or connect with customers the way they do? What prompts an employee’s enthusiastic response—a happy customer, a big sale, a tough problem solved? Why do they differ? How can you place the right people in the right jobs and motivate them to achieve more for the organization? The answers to these questions are all based on values.
Success Insights - Sales Report
The TTI Success Insights® Sales report is geared towards the sales professional. In today's competitive marketplace, success in selling is more challenging and requires a higher level of skill.
TTI Success Insights Sales report provides computer generated reports that give sales professionals a broad understanding of their natural sales style. The software analyzes and details the type of product they prefer to sell, how they handle sales presentations, as well as how they close and service their accounts
Success Insights - Sales Skills Index
The TTI Success Insights® Sales Skills Index presents questions that portray "real life" sales situations. Each situation has four alternative ways to be handled.
Respondents are given the opportunity to rank the four alternatives from "best" to "worst:' By comparing their response with those of proven top sales professionals, a report is generated showing strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in seven categories.
Success Insights - Team Behavioral Report
The most effective teams have members who understand themselves, as well as each other. The TTI Success lnsights®Team Behavioral Report not only defines team dynamics, but also guides team members to leverage behavioral knowledge for increased success.
By understanding the keys to communicating with others based on behavioral styles, team members can become more effective and increase overall productivity. The results of the team report will also identify the strengths of each team member to be sure everyone is in a position to contribute to team success with their fullest potential. This report is ideal for:
Financial Assesments
The power of business coaching has always been about helping our clients define and close their GAPS. Determining where your business is now versus where you want or need it to be in the future. Your success is often measured on how well you can close that GAP.
FocalPoint Finance was created to help our clients QUANTIFY their GAP, which in turn allows us to tangibly predict and track your progress. FocalPoint Finance offers five tools that help businesses quantify and close their GAP:
- Industry Benchmark Report – financial and key performance metrics by industry code, geography and sales volume Download Sample Report Here
- Comparative Benchmark Report – the Industry Benchmark Report with your company’s data compared to the benchmark, including identifying is your company is in the top 10% or bottom 10% with tips to close the gap.
- Narrative Benchmark Report – the comparative report converted into plain English and graphs and additional industry analysis.
- Projections Report – 5-10 year projections of your business based on your company’s recent past history, includes income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, industry analysis and a valuation based on cash flows.
- Brokers Opinion of Value - report used by many business brokers to determine what your business would be worth if sold to a 3rd party, using 3 different valuation methods
Whether you are trying to close the GAP between your company’s performance and the industry average or you are trying to close the GAP between your current income and what you need to retire comfortably…these tools can help.
FocalPoint - 30+ Years of Global Success
Brian Tracy, a business growth specialist, is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the coaching, training and development of individuals and organizations.
Brian's goal is to help business owners, leaders and professionals achieve personal, professional, and business goals faster and easier. This is achieved by using decades-proven systems and strategies to improve businesses. FocalPoint was a natural extension of Brian’s pragmatic approach to business success.
Brian Tracy and FocalPoint Business Coaching
FocalPoint Business Coaching is powered by founder Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy and partner Campbell Fraser have adapted the "very best of" Brian’s entrepreneurial and professional development learning’s and strategy into the FocalPoint coaching and training process. This allows business owners, leaders and their teams to effectively leverage Brian's business building tools, systems and methodology for maximum benefit through FocalPoint’s over 200 business coaches and trainers.