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Benton Roofing


Our Core Values

  • EXCELLENCE: We do our work as unto the Lord. (Colossians 3:23)

  • LOVE: Love God by showing His love with our actions and words. (1 Corinthians 13)

  • SELF-EMPLOYED MENTALITY: We all care and take responsibility like owners.

  • INTENTIONAL SERVICE: Provide superior customer service from start to finish.

  • TEAM: We are all team members not employees, together we make the difference.

A Company You Can Trust

Whether your roof covers textiles or tenants, machinery or merchandise, products, or patients, you need confidence and peace of mind knowing everything will remain safe and dry. Unfortunately, many commercial roofing companies make promises, but don’t deliver. Cut-corners and changing orders create nightmare projects and ballooning costs. It doesn’t have to be that way. We believe you should be able to trust your roof and the people who install it. 

With over 40 years of experience, Benton Roofing has established a reputation for providing high quality commercial and industrial roofing solutions guided by Christian values like integrity, excellence, and service.

Hospitality                            Cold Storage                        Government

Industrial                            Education                                       Medical   

What You Can Expect


You shouldn't have to wonder what is happening or what work has been done. That's why we provide detailed PDF reports with photos and descriptions to keep you informed.


Commercial roof installation is an investment. We help you protect that investment with an industry-leading, no-dollar-limit warranty.


You deserve an honest proposal for the work that needs to be done. We work hard to create accurate quotes and minimize change orders that would cost you more.


When you trust us to protect your commercial or industrial property, you'll experience confidence and peace of mind knowing it was done right the first time.


We believe an effective safety policy begins with a firm program. With the help of OSHA and our local OSHA field offices, Benton Roofing has developed the most complete and comprehensive safety policy in the industry. Our program outlines all aspects of safety relevant to our operations.

Each job site presents unique safety challenges, so we implement specific regulations for each project. Weekly and periodic meetings and job site inspections ensure that each of our safety related goals are met and exceeded. This often involves field procedures that go above and beyond the guidelines provided by OSHA.

We’re 100% committed to creating & conducting safe job sites for our team members and projects at all times. We achieve this through project specific plans, comprehensive programs, weekly meetings, our company policy and state of the art equipment. We believe that proper safety practices are a fundamental element to every work environment. This is just part of the total effort we make every day to be the best at what we do.


Not all warranties are created equal. Roofing system warranties are a big deal – especially when you are protecting valuable assets. We recommend that you discuss all warranties and options provided by your roofing contractor to make sure your building is fully protected.

Here’s the problem: It’s common for businesses to think they’re getting guarantees on their roofing services with warranties. But unfortunately, the warranty coverage may only apply to materials used and does not include installation. If your roof was poorly installed and you experience problems, your material warranty is useless.

Here’s what you can do: Be sure you understand your warranty coverage options and seek the best protection for your business, building and assets. We offer an industry-leading, Manufacturer No-Dollar-Limit Warranty that most companies can’t match.

Additional Information

Business Hours : Monday- Thursday: 8:00am-4:30pm Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm
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